Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This is a sketch i did last night on the wacom tablet. I don't know if i should tighten it up or not.

Monday, June 15, 2009


This is my second attempt on photoshop.I painted this free hand on my wacom tablet(thanks to amazing artists, Nia and my bro Tom)with photo reference.Getting the colors and values for the skin was very difficult,and after some determined hours this is what i came up with.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

unfinshed commission portraits

this portrait is mid-way done in this picture. i had to change her hair and this was the beginning stages of it(it didn't look much different when i finished it)this was my second commision and most of it was done from a photograph ( she sat for a day for the hair and finish).

i finished this one but i didnt get a chance to photograph it in that stage so this is the semi finished versionthis didnt get finished..